• A function that tries to retrieve an environment variable from the process.env object and, if it succeeds, validates that it is either "true" or "false", and, if so, returns it as a boolean value. If no variable is found, this function returns undefined.


    • name: string

      The name of the environment variable to look for in process.env.

    Returns undefined | boolean

    A boolean corresponding to the environment variable's value, if any, else undefined.


    An Error instance explaining that the variable was found but that it could not be parsed into a valid boolean.




    This function's input is case insensitive, which means that variations of true such as True and TRUE, to quote two examples, will also be treated as true. Moreover, T or t will be treated as true, and, similarly, F and f will be treated as false. Finally, 0 will be treated as false and 1 as true.

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